The Adam Smith Review

The Adam Smith Review is a refereed multidisciplinary scholarly annual review, sponsored by the International Adam Smith Society, which provides a unique forum for vigorous debate and the highest standards of scholarship on all aspects of Adam Smith's works, his place in history, and the significance of his writings for the modern world.


Volume 7 of the Adam Smith Review has been mailed to members. Edited by Fonna Forman-Barzilai, this issue examines Smith and women, Adam Smith in Greece, Nicholas Phillipson's Adam Smtih: And Enlightened Life and Michael L. Frazer's The Enlightenment of Sympathy. It contains remembrances of Andrew Skinner (by Christopher Berry) and of Joseph Cropsey (by Eric Schliesser).  Additional contributors include Maureen Harkin, Edith Kuiper, N. B. Leddy, Catriona Seth, Henry Clark, Deidre Dawson, Dionysios Drosos, Ioannis Tassopoulos, Jeremy Jennings, Fotini Vaki, Spiros Tegos, Nicholas Theocararakis, Chandran Kukathas, Donald WInch, Craig Smith, Nicholas Phillipson, Chad Flanders, Emily Nacol, Andrea Radasanu, Rachel Zuckert, Michael Frazer, Ian Ross, Daniel Klein, Douglas Den Uyl, James Harris, Geoffrey Kellow, Paul Dumouchel, Jan Horst Keppler, Paul Oslington, Adrian Walsh, Spencer Pack and Dennis Rasmussen.  For complete details, see  here.


Contents for Volume 8 may be found here. Volume 8 contains three symposia, on translating Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments (edited by Ryan Hanley), on Smith in China, and Smith in Kirkaldy. 


The Adam Smith Review aims to facilitate debate between scholars working from different disciplinary and theoretical perspectives. It is intended as a resource for Adam Smith scholarship in the widest sense, and the Editor welcomes suggestions and proposals for future developments.