The International Adam Smith Society

The International Adam Smith Society was founded in 1995 with two aims: (i) to encourage interdisciplinary scholarly interest in Adam Smith's writings, as well as in topics and issues connected with his writings; and (ii) to provide a forum for the sharing of research and scholarship relating to Adam Smith.

The Society's activities include sponsoring conference sessions in association with other learned societies and promoting communication amongst Smith scholars by providing a regular newsletter for its members. The society sponsors a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal, The Adam Smith Review, published by Routledge.

In June 2001, the society held its first international conference in conjunction with the meeting of the Eighteenth-Century Scottish Studies Society.  Since then, the Society has regularly sponsored special sessions at the annual meetings of the American Philosophical Society and looks foward to continued collaboration with these and several other scholarly organizations.

We are delighted that the IASS co-sponsored conference website is now up and running, providing information about Glasgow, The University, and accommodation. Details of the programme and registration are available at this link:


Please also check under NEWS & EVENTS to see the program for the 4th International Conference of the MSSSE! 


The IASS has two kinds of membership, basic and full. The basic membership is $10/year. This fee helps maintain the scholarly network of the society and supports the planning of special events and conferences. Full members also receive a copy of the Adam Smith Review. The fee for that is an additonial $70/year for US residents and $80/year for residents of other countries (includes shipping costs for the Adam Smith Review).


For imore information about joining the Society, please see the Membership page; to join or renew membership, please complete the attached membership request form; if you have questions or need help, please contact us at internationaladamsmithsociety.


IASS By-Laws


Current board members:  Sandra Peart, President; Chris Martin, Secretary-Treasurer; Fonna Forman, ASR editor; Ryan Hanley, past President; Michelle Schwarze, Director of Communications; Doug Den Uyl, Charles Griswold, Leonidas Montes, Maria Pia Paganelli and Craig Smith.


Other societies that encourage scholarship on Adam Smith include the International Association for Scottish Philosophy, the History of Economics Society, the Center for the Study of Scottish Philosophy, and the Eighteenth Century Scottish Studies Association.