The Adam Smith Review

The Adam Smith Review is a multidisciplinary scholarly annual review, sponsored by the International Adam Smith Society, which provides a unique forum for vigorous debate and the highest standards of scholarship on all aspects of Adam Smith’s works, his place in history, and the significance of his writings for the modern world. The second volume appeared in December 2006: ASR 2

The Adam Smith Review aims to facilitate debate between scholars working from different disciplinary and theoretical perspectives. It is intended as a resource for Adam Smith scholarship in the widest sense, and the Editor welcomes suggestions and proposals for future developments. Proposals to translate into English significant works relating to Adam Smith published in other languages are welcomed. Offers to edit symposia are also invited.

Submissions to the Adam Smith Review are invited from any theoretical, disciplinary or interdisciplinary approach (max. 10,000 words, in English). Contributors are asked to make their arguments accessible to a wide multidisciplinary readership without sacrificing high standards of argument and scholarship.

It is editorial policy that interdisciplinary articles will be sent to referees with different disciplinary expertise; submitted articles will be double-blind refereed; and commissioned articles will be single-blind refereed by members of the Editorial Board. Submitted papers are accepted in any format and may be sent as an email file attachment or by post. Final versions of accepted papers will need to conform to the ASR guidelines for authors.

Please send all papers, suggestions, and offers to edit symposia to the Editor:

Vivienne Brown, Editor, the Adam Smith Review, Faculty of Social Sciences, The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK;

Book Reviews

Books relating to Adam Smith or of more general relevance for Adam Smith scholarship will be reviewed in the Adam Smith Review. It is editorial policy to invite authors to respond to reviews of their work. Offers to review works published in languages other than English are welcomed. Please contact the Book Review Editor:


Professor Fonna Forman-Barzilai, Book Review Editor, The Adam Smith Review, Department of Political Science, University of California-San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093-0521, USA;

Editorial Board
Neil De Marchi (Duke, USA)
Stephen Darwall (Michigan, USA)
Douglas Den Uyl (Liberty Fund, USA)
Samuel Fleischacker (U. of Illinois, Chicago, USA)
Charles L. Griswold (Boston University, USA)
Knud Haakonssen (Boston University, USA)
Hiroshi Mizuta (Japan Academy, Japan)
John Mullan (University College London, UK)
Takashi Negishi (Japan Academy, Japan)
Nicholas Phillipson (Edinburgh, UK)
D.D. Raphael (Imperial College, London, UK)
Emma Rothschild (Cambridge, UK)
Ian Simpson Ross (British Columbia, Canada)
Richard B. Sher (N. J. Inst. of Technology, USA)
Andrew S. Skinner (Glasgow, UK)
Kathryn Sutherland (Oxford, UK)
Keith Tribe (King’s School, Worcester, UK)
Gloria Vivenza (Verona, Italy)
Donald Winch (Sussex, UK)

The Adam Smith Review will be published by Routledge and will be available for sale in bookshops, but members of the International Adam Smith Society will be able to purchase it on preferential terms.

For details of membership of the Society please contact the Membership Secretary, Aaron Garrett at