
Richard B. Sher New light on the publication and reception of the Wealth of Nations
Takashi Negishi Adam Smith and disequilibrium economic theory
Ian Simpson Ross "Great works upon the anvil" in 1785: Adam Smith's projected corpus of philosophy
Willie Henderson A very cautious, or a very polite, Dr Smith?: Hedging in the Wealth of Nations



Christel Fricke Introduction
Ernst Tugendhat Universalistically approved intersubjective attitudes: Adam Smith (translated by Bernard Schriebl)


Perspectives on recent developments in Adam Smith scholarship

Gloria Vivenza Reading Adam Smith in the light of the classics


Symposium  on Emma Rothschild's Economic Sentiments

Ryan Patrick Hanley Guest Editor: Introduction
Stephen Darwall Equal Dignity in Adam Smith
Patricia Werhane ... laissez-faire when it was new ...
Samuel Fleischacker Smith's ambiguities
Emma Rothschild Dignity or meanness

Book Reviews

Luc Boltanski Suffering and distance: morality, media and politics

               Reviewed by Fonna Forman-Barzilai

Ken Carpenter Dissemination of the Wealth of Nations in France

               Reviewed by Henry Clark; plus author's response

Gloria Vivenza Adam Smith and the classics

               Reviewed by Peter McNamara; plus author's response

Jack Russell Weinstein On Adam Smith

               Reviewed by Lauren Brubaker; plus author's response